
Update from 5 weeks out

Everything is going really well! Training camp is feeling positive. Weight monitoring is going well, so I treated myself to fish and chips tonight with curry sauce and mushy peas.

Been buying a lot of records recently and just kinda throwing myself head first into music from the 60′s and 70′s: Doors, Bob Dylan, The Who, The Beat, The Police, The Beatles, etc. etc. Stuff really does sound better on vinyl.

It seems my last column in the Evening Post has stirred up quite a reaction on the forums. It’s nice to have people agreeing with me for once. Just to be clear, and for those of you that didn’t read the original article, I wasn’t having a dig at wrestling in MMA, I just find it frustrating watching fights where people are not trying to get the finish. Clinging on to someone for 15 minutes is just like running away from someone for 15 minutes, in my opinion.

Good to Ross Pearson at Fight Night 22. Black ribbons all around for Cole Miller. Hahaha =)

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